Message from the President

Our company has marked 65th anniversary of establishment on March this year supported by suppliers, regional people and our employees at present ans past as well. Working on various businesses over the years while focusing on calcium product related business from the beginning of our foundation, we have arrived at the position now although some businesses have faded away. I would like to profoundly thank you for your continued patronage and support. Assuming the important position of representative director of the company simultaneously at this anniversary, I have determined to head for our centennial anniversary as a major milestone.
I’m sure to sprint to our goal without stopping out of breath. Along with continuous evolution of the time, not only products and plant facilities but also workers and working environment have drastically changed. Amid the diversified sense of values and concepts, our company has to evolve corresponding to such changes. I do believe that mission of Ohmi Chemical Industry is “creation of excellent products and contribution to the society” with consistent challenging spirit for something new under more comfortable working environment provided.
With the end of the period when domestic business was dominant along with change in environment of our suppliers, products have been shipped to various countries in the world in response to increased inquiries from overseas in recent years. Amid the number of users on the rise, I’m convinced that heeding voices of each user and responding to every single request of them will surely result in our development in the future. With a stance to respect individual suppliers, involved parties and employees as well, Ohmi Chemical Industry continuously evolves by shifting the stage of contribution “from lakeside of Biwa lake to the world”, i.e. from Japan to worldwide.
Ohmi Chemical Industry Co,. Ltd. President
Hajime Takeshita