Corporate Society Responsibility(CSR)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) defined by Ohmi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Ohmi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd promotes CSR activities based on the following ploicy, code of conduct and guideline.
We value the conversation and collaboration with stakeholders and makes efforts to solve the problems of the environment and society and actively contributes to the establishment of sustainable society.

Basic policy and code of conduct of CSR
As a company that supplies products used all over the world from the shore of Lake Biwa, we provide "satisfaction" to the world.
We, Ohmi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd, have been developing for 65 years processing limestone, which Japan has abundantly and providing calcium-related products to the world with the theme of "Using limestone chemically" In our modern society with natural environment changing and labor reform advancing, we promise to secure not only the high quality of the products and stable supply but to contribute to the cevelopment of the sustainable society taking care of safety and work environment.
Responding to the change of the society flexibly, we observe the ordinance and rules steadily, value the corporate ethics and act fairly and sincerely.
Seven Core Subjects defined by Ohmi Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Based on the seven core subjects defined by the social responsibility of ISO26000, we difine our own core subjects as shown in the figure.
Organization governance
- In order to achieve the sound and transparent management, we are developing our system and organization along with establishing the management system to respond to the change of the business environment swiftly and accurately. Also, we aim to improve the company value permanently focusing on "Compliance" for the base of every business activity.
Human right・Work
- Observing Labor Law thoroughly, we take care of the work environment and human right of the employees. In order to prevent every kind of harassment such as sexual harassment and power harassment, we regularly carry out internal hearings . Considering safety and health, we promise to encourage employees to take vacations and control overtime hours thoroughly to prevent overwork. We promote the employment of women and foreigners in the future.
Information Security
- We protect and control personal information of customers and stakeholders properly. In addition to the antivirus measures against the PCs in the company, we take measures against the company-provided smart phones by forcing users to lock the screen in case of losing them and we carry out remote supervision with control software. By controlling data by cloud servers, we take measures to protect information just in case a disaster occurs.
Environmental Preservation
- As a company that carries out business operation beside Lake Biwa using its water, we conduct PH measurement every day and thorough quality control of the water. We are always aware of our electric use by using demand device for reducing electric use as much as possible and CO2 emission. We clean up streets voluntarily to make the environment better.
Fair Trade・Ethics
- Evaluating our main client companies from various point of view such as their products, quality and availability of service, financial condition, security, environmental preservation and social contribution, we do business with them fairly. We do business thoroughly observing an ordinance, company regulations and ethics, promoting a business operation by fair and sincere competition and valuing the point of view and standpoint of people. We try to make compliance stick widely by clear definition of the sound procurement business, fair trade with manufacturing outsourcing companies and free and fair competition in business operation and sales.
Quality・Customer Satisfaction
- We think it our mission to provide customers with the products they can use safely and free from anxiety, and we are trying to improve the quality from customers' point of view. We aim to eliminate defective products and realize the first place of customer satisfaction. Always checking customers' opinions, we carry out proposals of products according to their requests. Visiting exhibitions and introducing the latest technology and information, we provide customers with our products with highest level of quality.
- We communicate with our community closely. We lend our land for community events and join in the grass cutting event in the community to contribute community activities. We promote the employment for the elderly in the neighboring area and provide them places of work. We hold a company information session for university students and show them our factories and interact with universities.